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Dating Rules for Guys

Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
You have a date coming up and you really, really want the girl to fall for you. Brush up on your dating etiquette by reading up this set of rules that will set you straight.
There she is. With her beautiful eyes, her bouncy hair, her sweet and polite voice, her dress, her talk, her walk, she makes everything seem magical. She's the only good thing in this big, bad world. In all the insanity that surrounds you, she is the only sane thing. It doesn't get any more romantic than this.
Has this ever happened to you? Always remember that a girl knows when you're looking (or staring, or gawking!) at her whether you realize it or not, so don't keep on staring constantly, lest you scare her. If any luck, even she might be interested in you.
If you like her and you are single then the following dating rules can prove helpful. It's OK if you make the first move to talk, girls always like guys who make the first move.
Don't come on too strong and don't fumble or be nervous either, when talking. Even if you do fumble, put on a genuine smile of shyness, this always helps. Start with a casual "Hi", and begin talking, but be very brief. Now if you like the way she talks, then after some time do ask her out on a date.

10 Dating Rules for Men

Now that she's agreed to go out with you, it is obvious that you might have a hundred things going through your mind. Things like where should you take her, what should you talk about, will she enjoy her time with you or not, and many other things.
Now, remember, the first date is very important, this meeting will decide whether you will meet her again or not. Maintain score against all the following points and rest assured, you will win her over.

Great Presentation

This is a very important rule in the dating world. The mind of a woman races continuously. Before you know it, she has already made a mental assessment of you and rated you against all pointers.
Now that she's given you a chance, it indicates that she is interested in you. From here on, it is up to you as to how do you handle this chance. Make sure you are dressed up appropriately and are wearing the best of your clothes.

Ask Her Once

Most men never use their brains when asking a woman out, make sure it is not the same with you. God forbid she turns down your offer, don't start following the woman endlessly.
Be OK with it, just smile, and take the rejection in a positive way, may be she will get interested in you with time. Remember, women/girls tend to first test their men.

Great Hygiene

The best way to guarantee a good time when you are out on a date with her is by maintaining a good hygiene.
Things as trivial as clean nails and skin, nicely-groomed hair, and a clean-shaven face can put you ahead of your game. Girls love guys who smell good, so make sure you apply the best cologne.

New Place

Take her to a place that she's never been to. To make it to your advantage, take her somewhere where everyone knows your name and you have a good reputation. This will give you a chance to showcase your stance in society.
Simple gestures like friendly behavior and a simple greeting from the DJ at a club, or a casual handshake with the restaurant manager who gets you the best table will make your date realize that she's got herself a real man.


Make sure you are confident when you are talking to her. Her comfort will depend on how comfortable are you with her. You need to be confident and display your sense of humor so that she and you both, have a great time.

Don't be Arrogant

Be decent, practice good manners, and be respectful to everyone. Girls like guys who are sensitive and caring towards the less privileged. Don't keep praising yourself, just talk randomly, and make sure you don't brag about your achievements too much.

No Gifts

This might sound stupid, but many of us do that. Never, ever bring a gift on the first date. The girl is not doing you a favor by going out with you. She liked you, and that's why she said yes.

Pay Attention

This is very important. Pay attention to whatever she says, laugh on all her silly jokes, and be genuine.
Girls can instantly make out when you fake it. You can even ask her some good date questions and try to get to know her better, after all the meaning of a date is to see how compatible you really are.

Make her Want you More

Once you know that you've made a good impression on her, don't ruin it by constantly being in touch with her.
Let her decide whether she wants to go out or not with you again. Give her some time to think about the special time she has spent with you, but when she calls, don't behave like a jerk by ignoring her.

Sometimes it's not meant to Be

The faster you learn to accept things, the better it will be for you. Sometimes, things don't work out and you realize that she is not a good match for you. At times like these, it is better to leave it at that. Disappointment is a part and parcel of everything and you should not take it to heart. You will soon meet the one you are meant to be with.
The dating tips should be helpful to you. If you follow these general dating rules thoughtfully, the girl of your dreams would be highly impressed with you and it could actually lead to the start of a beautiful relationship.