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Popular Fade Haircuts

Rutuja Jathar
Have you ever thought about getting a fade haircut? Read on and get inspired to flaunt a cool and trendy haircut.
A fade haircut is one of the most easy-to-maintain men's hairstyles. All types of fade haircuts are extremely masculine and quintessential for men.
They came to fame in mainstream fashion during the early '90s, but originated and became popular amongst the African-American youth since the 20th century.
Fade hairstyles that we tend to see today are an aggressive and shorter version of the original ones. However, they are really very popular amongst men and women of all ages.
Since fade hairstyles are of remarkably less length, they are extremely easy to maintain. Some versions of these haircuts are selected to be the official haircut of the US armed forces.

Fade Hairstyles

Fade haircuts are one of the most requested types of haircuts in barber shops across the world. It is performed with help of an electric hair clipper and a comb.
These hairstyles are very versatile, and one can style them in a number of ways. It is the biggest reason why they are so popular when it comes to men's hairstyles.
A fade haircut is shorter at the nape and at the back of the head. The length of the hair gradually increases towards the crown and at the front of the head. This haircut is extremely short at the sides of the head, and has longer hair at the top of the head. You can also easily incorporate various long or short Mohawk hairstyles with the fade hair.

Types of Fade Haircuts

The type of haircut depends on the length of the hair that you want to maintain. There are numerous types of fade haircuts. One of the most popular ones is the low fade haircut. The low haircut sports scalps length shaved hair around the sides and the back of the head, and the hair at the top of the head is either given a spiky look or a short Mohawk look.
The length of the hair at the crown entirely depends upon the individual. Sometimes, the low hairstyle is combined with blended fade haircut. Another type is the high fade haircut, which is also called the hi-top fade. This type is not very popular amongst the youth, as it lacks geometric precision.
Nonetheless, you can find a few interesting modifications to choose from. Some of them include the high and tight and buzz cut. High and tight is more popular as the hairstyle for the US Marine Cops. In the high and tights, hair at the sides and back of the head are extremely short and shaved up to the crown.
There is not much of a blending done between the sides and the crown of the head. Typically, the hair at the crown is not more than ΒΌ-inch in length. However, you can always do a few personal variations with the high and tight.
For instance, you can incorporate length as well as blending at the sides of the head. The buzz haircut, on the other hand, is also considered to be one of the fade haircuts. Brad Pitt flaunted one of the best buzz cut hairstyles for quite a while, if you remember.
The best of them all are the taper fade haircuts. They are the most attractive men's hairstyles as well. You need to do only a few modifications to the basic fade haircut, if you want to get the taper cut. Taper fade emphasizes on longer hair at the crown, that gets shorter at the back of the head. The hair is cut and given a tapered end.
Fade designs are not a new concept. You can get almost any kind of design on your scalp with the same electric clipper. The difficulty level of these designs entirely depends on the skill of the hairstylist. Some of the other styles that can easily be incorporated with the fade haircut are the Caesar cut, medium fade cut, burr cut, ivy league cut, etc.