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What Women Want From Men

Men find women difficult to understand. But, what women want from a man is quite simple. Here are some common factors that most women look for in a man.
Deepa Kartha
Most men would want to acquire the special ability of being able to listen to women's thoughts as Mel Gibson's character did in the movie 'What Women Want'. However, no man has been so lucky, and most of the time men have to scratch their heads hard to understand what is running through the minds of their lady loves.
There is a huge difference between the way men and women think. Moreover, this difference is permanent and the only way out is for men to make an effort to understand what she actually wants from them and their relationship.

What Women Expect From Men in a Relationship

One thing men must know is that every woman is different. This makes every woman's expectation unique. However there are certain things that all women desire in a relationship, and hence it is important for men to understand them.


Confidence is the most important factor. While some men may fall for a woman's physical attractiveness, women fall for the man's confidence. You may not be very handsome, but if you are confident in the way you walk and talk to the lady, she is surely going to find you attractive.
Though having a sensitive partner is what women are seeking, they do not want a person who apologizes for everything and wimps often. A woman wants a man who listens to her, empathizes with her, and protects her.


Though women like their men to be chivalrous towards them, they do not want to be treated as if they are incapable of doing things themselves. Respect is something that women need their men to have for them. This does not mean that you have to agree with whatever she has to say, on the contrary she wants you to respect her opinions, thoughts, and decisions.
Women want men to be considerate, honest, kind, and fair towards them.

Sense of Humor

Humor is the best way to unlock the hearts of women as they love men who can make them laugh. After all, who would like to be in a relationship with a man who is serious, shy, and dull all the time; this can make the relationship quite boring.
So, if you want to impress a woman you like, bring out your humorous side. However, make sure that you are genuine and not just trying to be funny. Just trying to be funny can make you seem like a poser in her eyes.

Good Listener

Having a good listener in their partners is one of the most important factors for women. Unfortunately, many men can go off track when a woman is venting about her experiences and emotions.
Most women have the habit of talking and complaining about their problems at work, with their friends, at home, etc. Most of the time, it is their way of unwinding at the end of the day. They just want their man to listen to them with true interest, and not to concentrate on what he can do to solve the problem.


Women know that men have the habit of looking at other women even when they are around. But, they also know that such behavior is quite harmless. Nevertheless, infidelity and cheating in a relationship have become common these days, and hence the most important thing that women need is a man who is loyal to them.
If you are very serious in a relationship and love your woman, then see to it that you remain true to her. Remember that trust is an emotion that keeps a relationship together and makes it strong, and any wrong move can break this delicate bond.
Women also want men to make them feel special with romantic gestures, small gifts, remembering special occasions, etc., without having to tell them about it all the time. However, definitely the most important thing that a woman desires is for her man to accept and love her as she is.