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Why Guys Need Lotion

Craig Middleton
Moisturizer is a great tool to have at your disposal, regardless of your sex. Understandably, most men spend a considerably less amount of time in front of a mirror or exfoliating in the shower than women. Wrinkles, sunspots and discoloration don't discriminate. Guys, here are four solid reasons why you need lotion, too!

Preventing Damage

Maybe it is not manly to glow from within, but it is still essential to avoid injury to your skin as a man. If damage from the sun doesn't scare you, it should. Ultraviolet rays are a proven cause of skin cancer and can take a massive toll on your body.
You don't have to buy into a ten-step system to take care of your skin, but using sun protection factor and a polyphenol lotion is the smart choice. Protecting your complexion should be taken just as seriously as brushing your teeth or getting exercise. Human skin is the body's largest organ and should be cared for just like any other.

Impress Your Loved Ones

If you had the choice to cuddle up with an alligator or panda bear, which would you pick? Your significant other would certainly rather lay next to the softer version of you. Not to mention, adding lotion to your daily regime will help prevent painful cracking of the skin. There is constant wear and tear on your body from sun exposure, harsh soaps and work.
If you are a man that works hard providing a life for your family, don't feel guilty taking a few moments to care for yourself. All you need is a small bottle at your bedside that you can apply before bed. There is no need for lavender scented anything!

After Shave

Shaving can irritate the skin and cause red, itchy bumps to form. Even the top of line razors can leave your skin inflamed. If you struggle with any of these symptoms, adding lotion to your shaving routine could help ease the pain and redness. There is nothing worse than having to explain a blemish from shaving on your face to your co-workers.
It will be well worth your time to avoid these issues and the explanation that goes along with them by applying lotion daily. Adding moisture to your skin may not solve all your skin problems, but it is an excellent way to start.

Stop the Itching

A common side effect of not properly moisturizing your skin is dealing with itchiness and flakes, especially during the colder months. You don't want to be flaking all over town and damaging your skin with scratching. Luckily, there is a pretty simple fix.
Take the extra time when shopping for your hygiene products and make sure they will add moisture back into your body rather than stripping it out. There are many harsh chemicals in shampoo and body wash that wash away your body's natural oils, so try to be more aware of the ingredients you are using on your skin.

Men Need to Take Care of Themselves!

Men play a huge role in society. They are hard workers and providers. They are support systems and lovers. They are fathers and protectors. Understandably, self-care gets put on the back burner when you have such big shoes to fill. The good thing is, there is an easy fix to keep your complexion looking ageless- add some moisture.
You may be surprised by how your loved ones react, and you are bound to be happy with the results. There is a lot to be said about a man who takes care of himself on top of all the other hats he wears. If you are intrigued by the benefits of moisturizer, go ahead and try it for yourself. The outcome may be a game-changer.